Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Adsense Rejected Again Gan, Content reason Inadequate

Adsense Rejected Again Gan, Content reason Inadequate

Content Not Enough? The feeling has made articles to "battered" so they can excuse unreasonable from Google Adsense, the content is not adequate.
Many bloggers made "cool summer" with the refusal by email from Adsense, these sometimes make some people are frustrated, why I got an email like this refusal. What is wrong with my blog? So adequate content is like?
Well, maybe I can help a little bit of a problem for the submission review Adsense, especially if your blog has been rejected or repeatedly rejected on the grounds of inadequate content.
I think personally, the problem of inadequate content has a broad meaning. That includes all the existing content in the blog overall. But I'll peel point just to make it easier to understand.
Completeness of blog content for the submission Adsense
Why do you blog always rejected when registering Adsense? Even articles that are in the blog has over 100 posts and blog visitors already exceeded 500 visitors every day. But still get rejection "Insufficient content".
Let's peel one by one, before they've had to make more and more content but nonetheless rejected. Note well that everything is not a vain thing for the filing Adsense.
1. Templates are clear and simple
  • The template is the most important part for loading content, including text, pictures and video. Select the template that is simple, do not use a template that contains a lot of java script and CSS Media.
  • You can use any template that is simple, does not have to be based on the default template blogger.
2. Navigation blog
Seem trivial, but the navigation blog has a role in the completeness of the content, its function is to provide access and information more thoroughly on the blog, which is important for registering Navigation Adsense is:
  • Home.
  • Profil/About me.
  • Contact.
  • Privacy.
  • Category blog.
  • Blog archives.
  • Sitemap blog. (Table of contents blog)
3. Content blog
In a blog post there is content such as text, images and video. In registering better Adsense priority to the text content as the main option.
inadequate content

Problems Adsense rejected by reason of inadequate content

Well, this is the most important thing in the filing Adsense. Of the three above content completeness I will discuss for the number 3, namely the content of the blog.
1. Content does not violate Adsense
  • I think this is all bloggers know enough about the rules and regulations to follow the blog Adsense program, of which must comply with Policy Adsense program.
  • The article does not contain elements of racial intolerance, hatred, adult content, drugs, pirated software or anything related to it.
  • Copas and articles not to be the result of his own writings.
2. Content accordance with quality standards webmaster
  • In general we write content or articles like writing mediocre, but keep in mind about the appropriateness of the content for the webmaster quality standards, among which is the application of heading tags H1, H2 and H3 and paragraphs clear rules.
  • Tag function heading or sub-heading (H2 and H3 ..) is to clarify the existence of the article or to put more emphasis on certain points in the article.
  • The content is well written and structured, note also use punctuation properly.
  • Tag Implementation headings or sub-headings (subtitles) included in the webmaster quality standard eligibility requirements for an article.
  • Applying paragraph in accordance with the length of articles, here we can create a paragraph without limit or no standard rules. Functions include a paragraph in order to make the reader's eyes do not get tired, if you have read the article without the paragraph altogether.
3. Create content that is truly adequate
In this case higher priority to make the text more appropriate content in an article, at least make articles with a minimum of 300 words or more.
Create a minimum of 40 articles in the blog before filing Adsense, in the period of your blog also old enough and receive adequate traffic traffic.
4. Limit excessive use of images in the article
In a filing Adsense you should use 1-2 images only in one article as supporting, select the image size that suits your template.
  • Use images that do not infringe copyright if you do not have a picture that fits better post free licensed use of the image.
  • It would be great if using the image itself, can create illustrations using Photoshop or similar software.
5. If you are using video content:
  • Place the first video embed just the size that corresponds to the template you're using.
  • The ideal length video length is a maximum of 9 minutes, please do not put video content with a very long duration in the period of review for the blog Adsense.
  • We recommend that you do not install the video embed if the overall content in your blog is not adequate as a whole, in terms of number of blog content in less than 40 articles.
Well, that's a few reasons why your blog is rejected on the grounds of inadequate content. But do not despair, there are still many opportunities to apply for registration again though rejected many times.
I myself had never experienced rejection 4 times, one reason is the content is not adequate. So keep the spirit to really get the party Full Approved Adsense.

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